Research supervised by Dr. Geoff Willmott at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
We are interested in the interaction of fluids with materials at the small scale. Our research topics are broad, and they encompass both theoretical and experimental work. Our team consists of a diverse background of Engineers, Physicists, Materials Scientists, Chemists and Nanotechnologists. This mixture of fields directly reflects the interdisciplinary realm of our research.
The work conducted by our group can be summarized into three main themes. Below is a quick summary of these themes, explore their pages for more information and to find out about individual projects.

Dynamic Microfluidics Laboratory
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Nanofluidics: Pores and Pipettes
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Janus Particles and Soft Condensed Matter
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Our Location
Location: Building 303, 38 Princes Street
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 88805
Email: physics@auckland.ac.nz
Fax: +64 9 373 7445